Sunrise symbolize a new day have come. |
Monday, March 29
To Live a Life is To Have a DREAM
Friday, March 26
Unwanted Child:Mari buang Bayi
Dilarang Buang Bayi Di Sini |
Iklan haruman untuk lelaki yang memanipulasikan tubuh wanita |
Iklan seluar yang menyampaikan message seks |
*aku dapat rasakan trend buang bayi ini akan kembali hangat penghujung tahun ini kerana anak-anak luar nikah natijah malam merdeka 2009 bakal lahir.
p/s: aku tersalah fakta.Ibu mengandung bayi selama 9 bulan bukan
Tuesday, March 23
Baik bagi kau,belum tentu baik bagiku!
Nilai adalah taksiran harga sesuatu benda, mutu, taraf, atau ukuran. Nilai sesuatu benda adalah bergantung kepada si penilai. Dan penilaian nilai terhadap sesuatu adalah berbeza.
Sedarkah kita bahawa kita sekarang sedang mengalami krisis nilai. Tak mengerti? Senang cakaplah.
Melayu Islam menganggap meminum arak adalah haram manakala Melayu Sekular menganggap minum arak adalah sekadar menghilangkan haus sahaja.
Orang kampong mementingkan gotong royong dan ukhwah masyarakat. Orang Bandar mementingkan material dan privasi.
Dah faham? Sesungguh setiap individu mempunyai nilainya yang tersendiri.
Sesungguhnya krisis nilai inilah yang selalu menimbulkan konfik dan perselisihan. Kerana kita tidak hormat kepada nilai orang lain. Kerana kita hendak orang lain sama nilai dengan kita. Dari situlah perlu nya toleransi dan saling menghormati.
Kau tak boleh paksa aku terima nilai kau. Dan aku tak boleh paksa kau terima nilai aku. Cukuplah sekadar kau menghormatinya.
Maka hari ini kalau aku tidak setuju dengan sesuatu perkara, janganlah mengatakan aku ini salah kerana engkau setuju dengan perkara itu. Tiada siapa yang betul dan tiada siapa yang salah. Raikanlah perbezaan ini. Kalau mahu berdebat, debatlah. Tapi ada etika dan adabnya.
p/s: there is no right or wrong in argument. That’s the beauty of argument. It is about who argued the best!
Monday, March 22
Syaitan dari golongan manusia!
Yang makan macam kita, berpakaian macam kita, bekerja macam kita dan berkeluarga macam kita. Namun mereka membisikkan hasutan ke dalam hati kita.
Buktinya? Allah dah beri amaran dalam Surah An Nas.
Maksud ayat:
- Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
- Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Aku berlindung kepada (Allah) Pemelihara sekalian manusia.
- Yang Menguasai sekalian manusia.
- Tuhan yang berhak disembah oleh sekalian manusia.
- Dari kejahatan pembisik penghasut yang timbul tenggelam.
- Yang melemparkan bisikan dan hasutannya ke dalam hati manusia.
- (Iaitu pembisik dan penghasut) dari kalangan jin dan manusia.
Saturday, March 20
Being Yourself...
I still remember when my teacher asked me what I am gonna be when I grew up. I told her that I want to be a scientist. Coz I thought at time it would be very cool thing to become a scientist. While most of my friends those day, would answer, I want to be a teacher, a policeman, a doctor and many more jobs that our parents or teacher highlighted to us back then.
Awkwardly, those of we mentioned earlier is just a job or career. I can’t even understand why we have to become those jobs. And I can hardly understand why we have to become what we studied. Why we have to be an engineer if we studied engineering? And why we have to become a doctor if we graduated from med school?
I always believe that we have to study what we love to know. What we are passionate about. And we have to be what we love to be. My passion is towards arts and music. I always did and always do. But the whole world will go against me if I told them I want to be an artist and a musician. They would say that I would not have a good future in that kind field. So I ate it all up and end up learning what they want me to learn. Eventually end up being like them. Hopeless and wondering without any where to go…
They always tell us to study harder. After you scored a straight A’s in a test, you have to score a straight A’s yet in another test. Yes. I did score a straight A’s. But I don’t feel like being successful. I felt like I’m being fooled. They told me that by scoring a straight A’s in all test, I will have a great future. But what kind of great future? And how great is that great future would be?
I’ve seen people who have most A’s all of their life struggling in their so called great future. Suffocating in debts and lost in rat race. Living a cheap life by saving money for another ‘great future’. So why bother scoring A’s anyway??
Ever since we were a kid, we were made to believe that we can be anything. No matter what. And ever since that, I always wanted to become myself. I always want to be what I am eventually destined to be. Which is MYSELF. Myself can be anything that I want to be. It is my choice on how I’m gonna live my live. I don’t need anyone to choose or decide it for me. Coz I know, somehow I will walk the path on my own feet. Alone.
Somewhere and somehow along the line, many of us stop to believe that we can be anything that we dream of. But I choose to still believe that I can be what I always dream of. I want to be a highly successful person. It is been decided even before I was born. I chose my path. Have you?
Saturday, March 6
Media Pembodohan